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  • Strobus
    Strobus 25pts

    Good day everyone. I am Strobus, an education graduate, and I have been teaching here since 2024. I ...

  • Cornotum
    Cornotum 25pts

    Hello, everyone! I'm Cornotum, and I've been teaching here since 2024. I'm passionate about discover...

  • Baliton
    Baliton 25pts

    Hello! I’m Baliton. I have been teaching here since 2024. I’m a sports enthusiast, especially volley...

  • Nectura
    Nectura 25pts

    Hello, everyone! I'm Nectura. I love spending my free time reading and exploring new places through ...

  • Combusken
    Combusken 25pts

    Learning English is just like a team sport. Sometimes it’s engaging, sometimes it’s boring, but most...

  • Sample
    Sample 25pts

    "Hello, everyone! My name is Sample, and I have been teaching English since 2024. Learning English i...

  • Dondozo
    Dondozo 25pts

    Good day, everyone. I am Dondozo, an Education graduate, and I have been teaching here since 2024. D...

  • Winsome
    Winsome 25pts

    Hello, everyone! I am Winsome, your passport to linguistic adventure! I have a bachelor degree in ed...

  • Sypatra
    Sypatra 25pts

    Hello, everyone! I'm Sypatra, an education graduate, and I have been teaching here since 2024. I lov...

  • Hockney
    Hockney 25pts

    Hello there, I'm Hockney. I am an artistic, passionate, and kind teacher. I will help and guide you ...



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