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  • Biloxi
    Biloxi 25pts

    Hi, everyone! This is Teacher Biloxi. I've been teaching here since 2024. I'm a graduate of secondar...

  • Pitora
    Pitora 25pts

    Hello! I'm teacher Pitora, a Bachelor of Elementray Education graduate with a passion for teaching, ...

  • Mastador
    Mastador 25pts

    Good day, everyone! I am Mastador. One fact about me is that I am a sociable and lively individual. ...

  • Salicum
    Salicum 25pts

    Jose Rizal Memorial State University " Hello there! I am Salicum, a Licensed professional teacher, ...

  • Pawnica
    Pawnica 25pts

    Hello, everyone! My name is Pawnica. I'm a licensed professional teacher, so rest assured that you'r...

  • Dollodon
    Dollodon 25pts

    "Just as music expresses emotions and stories through lyrics, learning can unfold through listening ...

  • Domepus
    Domepus 25pts

    Hello, I'm Domepus, your dedicated English teacher. Since 2024, I've been helping students achieve l...

  • Shepkit
    Shepkit 25pts

    Hello! I'm Shepkit, which has the same meaning as guiding others. I also love teaching, studying, le...

  • Rushmore
    Rushmore 25pts

    Hello, everyone! I am Rushmore, a graduate of Bachelor of Elementary Education major in General Educ...

  • Dusker
    Dusker 25pts

    Hello everyone! I am Teacher Dusker, I graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Elementary Education...



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